When dining in Italy one is never served an alcoholic beverage - an aperitivo - before a meal without some morsels of food as accompaniment: bread, bread sticks, tarallini, savory biscotti, salami and perhaps a sliver of cheese, the latter of which often has a fruit or honey addition.

We have collected together some of our favorite components for a cocktail party. Most are from different parts of Italy - some exotic, all delicious, and the best we could find or make. Our Calabrian fig ball is a cocktail platter still life and conversation starter. We have joined it with Sardinian flat breads, tarallini from Puglia, bread sticks from Torino and sauces from Liguria. We have added our own fresh focaccia, and scaletta bread, panforte and honey and our own all-natural salami. Let the party begin.  


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